How to Get Motivation

Written by Dave Gannaway
We all need motivation at some time … that’s the fire that gets us to do things. How to get motivation is to know what buttons to push. Do you know how it feels to be to be in fire with enthusiasm and impatient to get going?
Well that’s a good start right there. Knowing how being motivated feels needs to be the bench mark … that optimum place where we belong. Try now to remember what it felt like to be fired up … can you feel it right now? Score it 1 to 10. We need to be close to 10 if we are going reach our true potential. … Work at it, recall how that lovely feeling feels in your body. Where, in your body is it? In your head, chest, stomach … put your hand on it … identify as much as you can about the being motivated experience.
Does that motivated feeling express as a tingling within your body, or is it in the back of your neck? You may find that it’s an erotic, or very personal type of experience it often is, and that’s fine only you know. The important thing is to identify and anchor it in a way we can call on it whenever required. For more details see our article on anchoring and the magic of the Red Dot. Simply put, whenever you ‘fire’ your anchor of that feeling, you will re-experience it. Just as a smell, a tune or taste can recall vivid memories from childhood back into your consciousness as clearly as yesterday.
What Lights Your Fire?
When a powerful and exciting memory from the past is recalled it brings back into consciousness the whole of that experience. Recall, now, the experience of falling in love. Stop and allow the whole picture rematerialize in this moment now. Savor every moment, experience it with all of the five senses … now encourage the senses to expand, become brighter, more intense and even more compelling, when the experience is at its peak, capture the moment, clench you fist tightly and anchor it. Now ask yourself, how do I get motivated? Woow, in that moment you are motivated. You are back up to 10 on your scale. Even more importantly, you can clench your fist and get that recall when ever and as often as you like.
Being able to call back these valuable and often precious, motivational feelings and experiences is a powerful answer to how to get motivated. These simple yet powerful techniques give you control of those work-a-day blues by enabling your snap right out of them and propel yourself into a powerful compelling place of your choice.
So, when you next become aware that you are feeling down and flat and ask how to get motivated? … Change your intention, clench your fist to fire-off your anchor and Baaam, you’re up and runnin’.
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