Why is Motivation Important Part 2

Written by Dave Gannaway
Motivation can be called the nutrition of the mind. So why is motivation important? Without healthy nutrition, the mind, like the body, does not function effectively. It will survive no doubt, but it will not thrive. I’m sure your objective in life is to be more than a survivor.
It’s not surprising that good thinking is as synonymous with prosperity as nutrition is to good health. Good thinking is contagious. Just get into the company of successful people and you will soon be aware that their thoughts and conversations revolve only around success. In their mind, failure is not an option—it is unthinkable. Ask these people ‘Why is motivation important?’ and their answer will undoubtedly be ‘Why is motivation important? Motivation is not just important, it is imperative!!”. It is this nutrition that feeds their success.
We all know that thoughts, like seedling plants, take root in the subconscious part of the mind and begin to grow until they become full and mature. So, if your thoughts are fed with progressive motivated energy they will grow naturally into strong healthy outcomes. Don’t bother to stay motivated and just let them take their chances; they will be effected by any and every negative influence that passes by.
The secret of success is right there, feed the garden of the mind healthy prosperous motivation and you’ll get healthy prosperous results. What you put in is a reflection of what you will get out. As with the garden it is not sufficient to give it one feed, it needs a continuous supply of healthy nutritious motivational food.
An important ingredient to the nutritional mix is to focus only on what you want, this is a discipline so often neglected. It is one thing keeping motivated and quite another keeping your motivation focused on your goal or purpose. For so many this is the missing link in their journey to success. Focusing all of your energy, generating as much motivation as possible on a single objective is the receipt for success. Keep intensifying your focus, let it even become an obsession…it’s the first thing you think about when you awake and the last thing on your mind as you drift into your slumbers. See it, experience it, taste it, revel in your success until it becomes your reality. The more intense this revelry, the sooner will it manifest itself.
Those who call themselves ‘realist’ may say, ‘that’s just lying to yourself,’ or ‘just fooling yourself,’ will not know success. You see, even though the subconscious mind is the all powerful creative power within us IT always says YES to whatever we plant into it. IT does not think, amazing at that may sound, IT just creates whatever we hold in mind. If we just hold maybe or maybe not thoughts, the gross product will be maybe, maybe not success. But hold a burning, ‘can’t live without it’ motivated attitude and the subconscious response says YES to that.
Click the link below to read Why is Motivation Important Part 1.
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