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Your Motivation

By Dave Gannaway

"Motivation is like eating, you need to do it everyday."

When you are the owner of the company, your motivation can be critical. If you have employees, the urgency and demand for your enthusiasm grows even greater because you are the vibration and the pulse that is running the business. Quite literally the heart beat that pumps the life and vitality of all about you. Your Motivation

When you hit a slump, as we all do from time to time, it’s important to know what your motivation is, what lifts your spirit. Why are you doing what you are doing! Understand this is imperative to getting yourself out of the hole and back on track. Without this, the spiral downwards will continue unabated.

What drives you? What is the purpose of your business? Let's look a little closer at what it’s all about.

• Money. Naturally the bottom line is to generate the finances we need to support and sustain our family, and of course your business.

• Goals. What was the reason for starting your business in the first place? Was for the prestige of lifting yourself above the crowd? The passion to be free and independent of outside demands? Did you start up because you were sick of working for a boss? Or some other factor?

Whatever your motivation, now is the time to remember and reactivate it. Recall how you felt when your blood pumping and you were feeling alive and unstoppable. If it was the discontent of a previous employer, resolve again to rise above it all.

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