Self Talk - The Voice of the Ego

By Dave Gannaway
Peak performance in any endeavor demands control over what we think. Self talk is the single greatest factor in influencing our thoughts and subsequently peak performance. It is the incessant inner chatter that races across our mind. It never stops whether we are aware of it or not, and has a major impact on our behavior. We identify with these thoughts and then ultimately they manifest the outcome of what happens in our lives. Most people are totally unaware that it even exists. Pause for a moment to observe your thoughts. This will reveal the single and greatest influencing factor in your life.
"Whilst man is master of his own destiny,
self talk is the master of the man!"
Self talk is the voice of your ego. It is the relentless inner dialogue within your head that influences almost everything you do. It is ever-changing according to your experience, feelings, and moods. A person’s inner chatter reflects their purpose in each changing moment of their life. Habitual patterns of inner dialogue often begin in childhood and reflect the dominant influences of family, friends and the environment. This chatter always suggests erroneous and unhealthy behavior. So a happy and positive childhood can engender a positive inner dialogue and subsequently, a positive attitude and a progressively successful life situation prevails. The opposite is also true and, sadly, more frequently the case. The attempt to correct this ‘negative’ perception of life is the prime objective of
Becoming aware of this phenomenon can be a startling and very revealing experience. It is the color and substance of your thoughts, the prime influence over an individual’s personality and a direct influence in attracting like to like. It is a magnet that attracts a reflection of itself. Thus negative, toxic, inner chat attracts negative toxic outcomes and attitudes and thus becomes the root cause of our experience.
Inner chatter that is out of control reflects an individual that has no command or influence over his life and reflects a weakness of character. Taking control of this area of your life is to address the problem at its root, where it’s most vulnerable.
When left to its autonomous self, the inner dialogue is often irrational, illogical and out of control. To observe or listen to one’s own self talk without judgment is the mark of a man who truly searches for change and it is only when this is undertaken that the irrational nature of your self talk will reveal itself. With the understanding that our life’s outcome is a reflection of this inner dialogue an observer can be shocked and dismayed at the potential direction his life is heading! The positive truth is that only when you become aware of the destructive nature of this negative dialoguing can the matter be addressed.
Such unwelcome habits as negative inner dialogue must be addressed if self-destructive patterns of behavior are to be corrected. We at offer many, often very simple yet effective techniques to deal with these issues.
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