Self Improvement Motivation Part 2
By Dave Gannaway
Is self improvement motivation a topic you care about? How many times have you intended to do something but never did? Stop for a moment … after reading that, what was your immediate thought? … Was it – “That’s the story of my life?” or just a resolving, “Tell me about it!”
Many millions of people have the feeling of being worthy of a better life than they are experiencing right now. Indeed one of the most basic desires of a human being is to lead a comfortable and undisturbed life. That is an innate, unchangeable, characteristic of who we are. Understanding basic self improvement motivation can open the artery that frees life to flow towards achieving that goal.
There is nothing mysterious about success. Simply provide the ingredients of the magic we call achievement. It's like adding together the ingredients of a cake and apply them correctly … what results … a beautiful cake! Hello!! Add together the recipe of proper thoughts and congruent action and what will you get? You got it … what you truly want.
So what is stopping you? Remember those plastic models on the shelves of the hobby shop we drawled over when we were kids? They all had exciting and beautifully colored pictures on the lid. They looked so attractive and compelling that you just couldn’t help wanting one. Then, in small writing in the bottom corner of the lid were the words, glue not includedexcept the glue. That deep desire to do whatever is required to achieve them.
Overcome the procrastination that has been blocking you from moving forward. Free yourself, cut through those chains preventing you from reaching out to your success. Search out what excites you … what lights your fire, and you will have discovered your secret, the glue that will secure the life you dreamed of.
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