Identifying Resistance to Change

Written by Dave Gannaway
“If things don’t change, they’ll stay as they are!” Understanding this obvious statement will lead you in identifying resistance to change by far. The “gremlin” responsible is hidden deep within the subconscious mind. It is called the ego.
If you are not moving towards your goals in life then there is either resistance, blocks or fears hidden within your subconscious mind that you may not even be aware of. By identifying resistance to change, you can then remove these blocks and resistances or correct them.
First stop … the ego. From the earliest moments in our childhood the ego starts its job of regulating our lives. As we begin to form likes and dislikes, and develop different traits and habits, we are greatly influenced by those around us. In our innocence, we absorb what they tell us as the truth. It is these early experiences that come together to begin forming our personality and the program the ego uses to regulate our lives. These early experiences are formed largely upon the trust and faith we have in those around us. In our naivety we have no concept of lies, or that what people tell us may not be in our best interest.
So a whole potpourri of information, good, bad and indifferent, that has been fed to the child becomes the bases of its personality. This is what our ego uses to form the program that will regulate our lives, our likes and dislikes, etc.
It is important to understand that the ego does not think! It just keeps us in line with those early programmed beliefs. Interestingly, since much of the early programming was untrue, the ego is (in many cases) actually regulating us towards the negative and away from prosperity and success.
As we grow older these ego-produced programs become well-established as the individual’s personality and character. “It” becomes who we think and believe we are. It is only when we develop further and begin observing that some of the things we find ourselves doing and thinking are not compatible with what we really want or believe.
Now, as we begin to understand and identify resistance to change, negative traits and blocks and try to adjust our thinking or behavior, we find something within us creating great resistance. The ego is providing this resistance, thinking it’s an intruder trying to relieve it of its authority and does everything possible resist it, and usually succeeds.
So how can we begin to make corrections to these old conditionings? Check out some of the links below.
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