Motivational Stories Nicola Tesla

Written by Dave Gannaway
This is a cautionary tale of one of the greatest inventers of all time ... Nicola Tesla. He was a man whose genius was motivated by all things electrical. Nicola Tesla was a Croatian-born American who is the true inventor of A.C. Electricity, the system used in every household in the land. Although this was his greatest, known, discovery there were many more. Many that, I am sure would have surpassed the achievements of even Bill Gates, most of which were so advanced of their time that they were either stolen from him or HE destroyed rather than suffer the indignity being shown him by the press and society.
I will give you some idea of the importance of some of Tesla’s patents and probably what led to his demise. He had invented a technique whereby electricity could be generated, for free and transmitted to everyone, regardless of how far away they were, at no cost! This was no pipe-dream; his invention was demonstrated and shown to work.
Another memorable invention was the powering of an electric automobile. In 1931 Tesla removed the gas engine from a production automobile and replaced it with an 80 hp electric motor. He connected his electrical device (that was small enough to sit on the front seat of the car) to the motor. “Now we have the power”, he said proudly.
He tested the vehicle for a week and reached speeds of 90 miles-an-hour, and it performed better than the gas engine and cost nothing to run! The press and open-mouthed onlookers asked, “Where does the power come from?” He replied, “From the ethers all around us.” Such a hard time was he given by the skeptics and press and so enraged did he become that he removed the mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory. His secret died with him in 1943.[1]
There are many books and accounts of the miraculous inventions of Nicola Tesla whose motivation became his passion. His genius was for creating new ways to utilize electrical power. His ability to think outside the box led to inventions and new ideas that are astonishing— even by today’s standards. His originality and ideas have had few parallels. His motivation and single-mindedness did not extend to commercializing or capitalization of his genius. This inevitable led to his being exploited and robed of much that was his.
[1] Details of Tesla’s car, thanks to Joseph Tomaselli of Spring Hill, Florida
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