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Motivational Surveys

Motivational Surveys

Written by Dave Gannaway
Many companies conduct motivational surveys to gain a greater understanding of their employees. This can give them the edge on knowing what their employees need to achieve greatest productivity and satisfaction in their job. These surveys can be made as complex or as simple as required. In general they address the four primary areas:

• To judge the level of employee satisfaction

• To monitor previous motivational programs

• To introduce new products and production expiations

• To gain feedback and networking from employees

Types of Surveys Available

These surveys can take the form of one-on-one confidential interviews with non-company personnel. This uses no reference or material that points to the identification of the individual within the company in question.

Confidential paper, internet or computer surveys are also effective ways of gaining accurate feedback on employee’s personal motivation.

Survey questions should cover every aspect that may affect the individuals well being in the workplace, plus any further information that may provide constructive insights to the company. We at True-Motivation.com like to use the 1—10 rating scale; this provides a precise measure of accuracy.

Here are some sample questions:

• How satisfied are you with your job?

• Are you happy with your manager/foreman?

• Do you receive a fair wage for the work you do?

• Are you recognized by the management?

• Are your efforts valued?

Each question should have enough space attached to allow the employee’s comments and of course not require any identification from the employee.

A reliable motivational survey is the first step in truly understanding the needs of your work staff plus an insider’s guide to the underlying issues that you are probably not aware are taking place under your nose!

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