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Sports Psychology Motivation

Sports Psychology Motivation

Written by Dave Gannaway

The academics have created many slots into which most sporting activities will fit. Sports psychology motivation is an example. No one would argue that in sport the success of the athlete depends on being fired-up to win. No fire, no win! Indeed, in competition having the most intense fire will generally overcome the rest.

What gave Michael Phelps and Natalie Coughlin that extra fire to shine against the rest of the Olympians? You may say they were better swimmers and you could be right. You could also say that their personal sports psychology motivation on the day was more effective.

These wonderful athletes and their amazing achievements have made them national hero’s but how much did the part of sports psychology motivation play? I am sure every athlete in the line-up had some form of psychological training. At that level of sport no avenue of human performance is left unexplored. Holding the focus and developing that intense desire to win at all cost is at the foundation of all efforts.

There are various types of sport psychology motivation. Most common in the western world is the person’s self-determination and pure desire to win. This is categorized as intrinsic motivation. . . . A desire that emanates from within the individual. This can involve enormous internal stamina, self-determination and discipline of the individual.

The other important type of sport psychology motivation is created by extrinsic stimulus. Influences placed on an individual by other, outside, sources. This can be from pressure on the outside to win prize money, gold medals or uphold their country’s prestigious standing or national honor. It can also be a mixture of both.

Of the two major groups, intrinsic motivation is generally thought to be the healthiest and most natural form of motivation because it stems from the athletes own inner desire to succeed. It truly reflects an individual mastery and determination. And that, after all, is what true sporting competition all about.

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